Three Months in France March 31 – June 28, 2007

May 30, 2007

Day in Castres

Filed under: by Marissa — marissa @ 3:57 pm

Today’s Photos

Today started off really warm and sunny so we took a drive over to a nearby town of Castres. We didn’t know what would be there but we decided to explore it anyway. We immediately found a park for the kids to play in and spent a good hour or so before we toured around the town.

The downtown was pretty with many fountains around so the kids proceeded to get nice and wet while playing with them – refreshing! There were a lot of expensive shops and a big open plaza with cafes. There seemed to be quite a few young kids, or punks as we like to call them, hanging around. Not sure if there was an event going on that day or if this was the norm but after finishing our ice cream we decided to head for home.

Good thing we left, about an hour later the rain came.

Tomorrow we start our journey over to Paris – all of us!


  1. Hi, I’m watching Emma – she’s growing so fast… And sometimes she looks so mature on the photos… Liam has fun everywhere it looks like as well.

    Comment by klaus — May 30, 2007 @ 8:58 pm

  2. Wow, the weather looks great and the fountain looks way fun. I’m jealous that all y’all are going to Paris, but at least I can live vicariously through you guys 😀 I’m sorry I haven’t commented lately, but I graduated on Friday (woo hoo!), so I’ve been kind of busy…..more and more parties, that kinda thing (I know, my life is so terrible :P). We had some super nice weather here too, and I actually went to the beach for the first time this year yesterday, and got my first sunburn in like, 3 years…..not so fun, but yay for sun 😀 Look forward to reading about your adventures in Paris…..:)

    Comment by Sarah — May 30, 2007 @ 10:49 pm

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