We’re all somewhat jet lagged so we took things nice and slow today. We enjoyed a nice visit from my aunt Carole and my cousing Sean. My mom, Carole, Liam and Sean went out to do a little grocery shopping while Marissa and I stayed home to let Emma play outside on the playground.
I discovered today, while assembling my bicycle, that my bike seat got bent out of shape sometime during our travels and so tomorrow I will try to acquire a new one. Other than the seat my bike appears to be intact.
Marissa and I drove to the nearby village of Giroussens just after dinner and we enjoyed a nice walk there. Giroussens, located on a hill side above the rivierre L’Agout, has a population of approx. 1000 people and it has been that size for as long as the locals seem to remember. The church in Giroussens dates back to the 14th century and although that isn’t old by European standards, it currently stands as the oldest building that I have ever seen. There aren’t many services in Giroussens but among the ones we found were a boulangerie (bakery), a pharmacy, a post office and a couple of restaurants.
So far so good…tomorrow we’ll venture out further.
Good night from France
Bonjour 🙂
Hi guys…glad to hear you arrived safe and sound to your new home! Love all the pictures…the area looks gorgeous and the house looks really neat. Your new wheels are too cute! Hannah sends a big hug and “Hi” to Emma. Looking forward to your next update!
Comment by hannahsmama — April 2, 2007 @ 8:18 pm
Great pictures and cute car 🙂 Marissa and Francois look so relaxed (or is that jet leg?). Looking forward to the next update 🙂
Comment by off2europe2 — April 2, 2007 @ 8:54 pm
Ya, the car is pretty sweet. I just need to learn how to drive manual/standard over here. I’ve never done it before so I hope its not too challenging. The area is really gorgeous, so different and I love how old everything is here! Emma says “Hi Hannah” to Hannah and asks if her hair is in ponytails?
Yes I’m very relaxed, all day I could fall asleep I’m so relaxed. But at night, I’m ready to go, go go! Liam and Emma send a big hello to Adi and Dede and want to go on the next ski trip soon. Talk to you all later.
Comment by marissa — April 3, 2007 @ 1:38 am
Salut!!! (Actually, Bon Matin! since it’s morning here and I’m in class…..) That car is awesomely strange….or strangely awesome??? Anyways, it’s tres cool. And the buildings are tres belles. I should probably pay attention to what’s going on now……so salut from the McGrath’s!
Comment by Sarah — April 3, 2007 @ 11:06 am