Three Months in France March 31 – June 28, 2007

April 22, 2007

Relaxing in the South of France or Thailand?

Filed under: by Marissa — marissa @ 3:16 pm

Today’s Photos       April 21st Photos

img_7804.JPGIt’s been a couple glorious days of sunshine and fun here in France! Saturday was spent at a couple of parks while Diane spent the day with her sister Monique in Toulouse. They did some shopping and had a great dinner at a Thai restaurant.

So, Francois and I took the kids to the nearby town of Graulhet and found a really nice park for Liam and Emma to play in. It was close to 30 degrees celius outside! So we didn’t stay out too long before we needed a refreshment break. We motored on down to the town of Gaillac where we ate some lunch and stopped at another park under some nice shady trees. Very nice park – very crappy washrooms. Standing basins where you can pee in a hole with no toilet paper (lucky I always have tissue handy) and probably never been cleaned since it was built. It was difficult to hover Emma over while trying not to touch anything, I think I ended up with more pee on me than in the washroom. Ah well, c’est la vie. I think I’ll invest in a potty to keep in our car. 🙂

Today, Francois didn’t feel so well so he was stuck in bed for most of it. As for the rest of us, we were picked up by Jens, Diane’s brother-in-law. We went back to Diane’s sister Carole’s home and went for a refreshing dip in their fabulous pool. Even though it was hot outside, the water was still quite cool. But the kids really enjoyed swimming with Sean. Then Carole and Jens cooked a wonderful Thai meal for us. You can probably smell it just by looking at the photo! Merci, our bellies are still aching from the amount we ate.

Francois eventually felt better and came out to join us before we all headed home ready for bed.

Blog you tomorrow…hopefully!


  1. I’m not sure what looks better, the sunshine and the pool or the Thai meal but I bet both felt great. I also liked the swing in one of the parks. That’s a safe swing 🙂 Hmmm, building public washrooms in South France sounds like a business opportunity… no competition there.

    Comment by off2europe2 — April 22, 2007 @ 11:20 pm

  2. Both were great! I too, really liked that swing better than what I’ve seen in some Canadian parks. Business opportunity yes…interested in it? 🙂

    Comment by marissa — April 23, 2007 @ 1:45 am

  3. Great pool there! Geee, I guess French really have a difficult life… 😉 Even the house doesn’t look bad (the renovated side).

    Washrooms — well… you’ve been warned 😀 I’m surprised you haven’t hit any washrooms you have to pay for use yet (they might be marginally better than what you described)… I’m not sure about a business opp… Naahhhh….

    Comment by klaus — April 23, 2007 @ 10:37 am

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