We went to Toulouse in the afternoon for a lovely tour with Diane’s sister Monique. She showed us some nice streets with shopping and took us to a fabulous bookstore (it was massive inside). I loaded up on lots of French children’s books while Francois picked up a couple of history books written in French. I’m sure I’ll get more before I go back home.
We then went to a park along the Canal du Midi. It was very nice and funnily enough, we met another english speaking family there. They were from Pennsylvania and they are staying in Toulouse with their 4 kids for 3 months! Imagine that, running into another family doing the same thing. However, they actually bought a house and have been coming here for several years now. The mother homeschools the children while the husband works out of the home, he owns an office furniture business back in the US.
After our work we returned to Monique’s house where we dropped everyone off while Francois and I headed off to a movie! Yippee. We saw “Goodbye Bafana“, it was in french but it was still very good from what I could understand. Will have to watch it in English at home. We then picked up the kids and went home – thanks for babysitting Diane et Monique – Diane stayed overnight at her sister’s home.